In this release, we have added the ability to create `simple-expense` and `simple-item` items; the functionality of the App just increased, Mrs Costs to Expect can now log “bucket” expenses as well as manage lists.
- We have added the ability to create `simple-expenses` and `simple-items`.
- We have updated the resource summaries; they are now specific to each item type.
- We have added a visual guide to highlight active filters on data tables.
- We have trimmed down the menu options dependant on the item type selected for a resource type. For example, the resource type view is unnecessary for `simple-expense` and `simple-item` item types.
- We have updated the labelling on the create forms; the labelling is less generic.
- We have tweaked the styling for the pagination controls and information section; they look less like actionable controls
- The `description` and `publish after` fields were not getting sent to the API for a create allocated expense request.
- The selected `year` and `month` values were not “sticky” in the filtering options.
- The pagination controls will no longer expose any internal request parameters; the `include-categories` and `include-subcategories` parameters should not be controllable by the user.