App – [v1.12.0]


  • We have added the ability to delete a resource; a resource is only deletable when it has no expenses or items.


  • We have tweaked our API requests; we will no longer include parameters that we know the API ignores.
  • We have updated the App to play better with the Costs to Expect API. Under certain conditions, there is a chance that the subcategory and category values will not save. The App will gracefully handle the malformed data and allow the user to correct the data.
  • We have reviewed the item (allocated-expense, simple-expense, simple-item) management code; we have renamed methods to be more explicit about intent and removed the little duplication that existed.
  • We have updated our roadmap.


  • We have fixed the redirect after editing a resource; the App tries to send you to an action that doesn’t exist.
  • We have fixed a logic error when calculating whether new data is different to live data for editing; we need to clear the cache before we fetch the live data.
  • We have fixed a minor bug with the view helper for our messages, under certain conditions, messages will not correctly display.



