In this release, we add a header to allow local caching to be ignored and we continue refactoring and fixing.
- We have added support for an `X-Skip-Cache` request header; If you include the header with your request we will skip response caching and fetch live values, please use this with care.
- We have added separate links for the documentation and example page and the postman collection.
- We have simplified our `\Model\Transformer` classes and made it possible to alter the returned data format.
- We have added `public` as a sorting option for resource types.
- We have reworked our pagination class; we have moved it to a new workspace and also improved how it works.
- We have moved our `Hash` class; the `Hash` class now lives in the `Request` namespace.
- We have moved our `ModelUtility` class: the `ModelUtility` class now lives in the `Models` namespace.
- We have updated the indexes in our `Hash` request class; the indexes are consistent with the rest of the app.
- We have updated our pagination helper to include any defined filtering parameters.
- We have corrected pagination calls in all our controllers; we now include all possible request parameters.
- We have corrected calls to clear public caches; we were comparing different types.