API – [v2.15.0]

In this release, we fix a long-standing issue with the API. The item categories route is plural; however, nothing else in the API supports multiple category assignments existing. We have added a category and subcategory limit, which is definable per item-type.


  • We have added an item-subtype table; the subtypes will allow us to customise individual item-types within the Costs to Expect App.
  • We have added a migration for the new item-type and the subtypes supported by the item-type.
  • We have updated all resource collection and item response, we will include the selected item-subtype in the response.
  • We have added an item-subtype schema.
  • We have added an assigned-category schema for category assignments.
  • We have added an assigned-subcategory schema for subcategory assignments.


  • We have modified the unique indexes on the item_category and item_sub_category table; we need to remove the unique index to allow multiple category assignments per item.
  • We have updated create resource; we need you to define the item-subtype when creating a resource.
  • We have added comments to the allocated-expense and simple-expense models. We left join to the category and subcategory tables knowing there will only ever be at most one category. For later item-types multiple categories will get assigned to an item, we will need to come up with an alternative solution.
  • We have updated the clear cache calls for delete requests; we no longer add a job to the queue, we clear the cache synchronously.


  • We have updated create resource type; we didn’t start a transaction.
  • We have updated the returned response after creating a resource type; the chosen item type will now show in the response.



