API – [v2.16.0]

In this release, we add initial support for our new feature, Board and Card game scoring. We expect there will be a couple of point updates as we develop the rest of the new feature in the Costs to Expect App.


  • We have added a migration to create the `game` item-type table.
  • We have added the configuration for the `game` item-types.
  • We have added a schema for the `game` item-type.
  • We have added a schema for the `game` resource type item-type.
  • We have updated the item and resource type item collections; the collections are aware of the new `game` item-type.
  • We have updated the summary routes; the item and resource type item summaries are aware of the new `game` item-type.


  • We are upgrading summaries; the new `game` summaries include much more information than other summaries. We will upgrade all the summaries a little bit at a time.


  • We have removed a rogue validation rule present in the POST request for the `allocated-expense` item type.
  • We have updated the item category and subcategory assignment routes. Category and subcategory assignment routes can show more than one item in the collection if the item-type configuration allows.



