API – [v2.19.0]

With the impending releases we are making the API more testable and improving the first-install process.


  • We have started transferring our Postman response tests to local feature tests.
  • We have added tests for the Authentication controller.
  • We have started writing tests for the ResourceTypeManage controller.
  • We have updated /auth/forgot-password and /auth/register, both now support a send GET parameter, if defined, no email will be issued.


  • We are tweaking the first install; we have squashed all the migrations and tweaked the Docker setup. We have added an initial-install.sql file, this includes the required data for the API.
  • We have made minor changes to how we return validation errors; we were calling exit and stalling our tests.
  • We have updated the responses for /auth/forgot-password and /auth/register; responses include the required follow-on URIs and parameters.
  • We have updated the README, we have added a Tests section and updated the setup steps.



