Account filter and other tweaks

We have published a few minor updates to Budget – one which improves the usability of the Budget overview and several minor changes to improve the overall quality of the App.

Account Filter

We have added an account filter above your Budget overview. This new filter lets you see which budget items belong to which account. You can now set a colour for each account and filter by account, this should make it easier to see where your money is needed.

Changes and fixes

We noticed some other issues with the App and have implemented the changes and fixes below.

  • Updated the styling for all the forms in the account section.
  • Updated the styling for the start and demo forms.
  • Corrected the navbar background colour on public pages, no more colour switching after signing-in.
  • Corrected a spelling error in the newly registered email.
  • Spent a little time refactoring the Budget service ready for future updates.


In the next release we are hoping to improve the onboarding experience as we know getting your data into an App is a problem, no one likes data entry. The new tool should make it much simpler to get started, we will post more when we are ready to show you.



