Month: October 2020

  • App – [v1.20.0]

    In this release, we add the dashboards for our new board, card and dice game tracking feature. The feature isn’t quite complete; we introduced a couple of issues in the last release so needed to ship early. Added We have updated the main dashboard; our main dashboard supports the game item-type. We have added the…

  • API – [v2.16.1]

    In this release, we correct a minor cache issue and add extra information to resource type objects. Changed We have updated the friendly_name for item types; the updated names provide more information and make customising the App simpler. We have updated the item-type object included within the resource type object; the item-type object will include…

  • API – [v2.16.0]

    In this release, we add initial support for our new feature, Board and Card game scoring. We expect there will be a couple of point updates as we develop the rest of the new feature in the Costs to Expect App. Added We have added a migration to create the `game` item-type table. We have…

  • API – [v2.15.0]

    In this release, we fix a long-standing issue with the API. The item categories route is plural; however, nothing else in the API supports multiple category assignments existing. We have added a category and subcategory limit, which is definable per item-type. Added We have added an item-subtype table; the subtypes will allow us to customise…

  • App – [v1.19.0]

    In this release, we update the App to support the recent change to the Costs to Expect API to allow multiple categories. Added We have added a help section which details the behaviour of each item subtype; the helper will show below the create resource form to allow a more informed choice. We have added…

  • Website – [v1.13.1]

    In this release, we update the website to support the latest changes to the Costs to Expect API. Changed We have updated all our dependencies, front-end and back-end. We have updated the website to handle the new format of categories from the Costs to Expect API. We have slightly tweaked the look of categories in…