Author: admin
API – [v2.17.0]
In this release, we rework our item controllers, add a `complete` filter for the `game` item-type and reorganise all item-type classes. Added We have added a `complete` parameter for the `game` item-type; when the parameter is included and set to true, only complete games will be returned in collections and summaries. Changed We have added…
API – [v2.06.2]
In this release, we continue our long-term task of ensuring the API can handle all the different item-types we have planned. The initial version of the API focused on expenses; slowly, we are adjusting the API to a more modular system. Added We are now locally caching the permitted and viewable resource types; this change…
App – [v1.20.0]
In this release, we add the dashboards for our new board, card and dice game tracking feature. The feature isn’t quite complete; we introduced a couple of issues in the last release so needed to ship early. Added We have updated the main dashboard; our main dashboard supports the game item-type. We have added the…
API – [v2.16.1]
In this release, we correct a minor cache issue and add extra information to resource type objects. Changed We have updated the friendly_name for item types; the updated names provide more information and make customising the App simpler. We have updated the item-type object included within the resource type object; the item-type object will include…
API – [v2.16.0]
In this release, we add initial support for our new feature, Board and Card game scoring. We expect there will be a couple of point updates as we develop the rest of the new feature in the Costs to Expect App. Added We have added a migration to create the `game` item-type table. We have…
API – [v2.15.0]
In this release, we fix a long-standing issue with the API. The item categories route is plural; however, nothing else in the API supports multiple category assignments existing. We have added a category and subcategory limit, which is definable per item-type. Added We have added an item-subtype table; the subtypes will allow us to customise…
App – [v1.19.0]
In this release, we update the App to support the recent change to the Costs to Expect API to allow multiple categories. Added We have added a help section which details the behaviour of each item subtype; the helper will show below the create resource form to allow a more informed choice. We have added…
Website – [v1.13.1]
In this release, we update the website to support the latest changes to the Costs to Expect API. Changed We have updated all our dependencies, front-end and back-end. We have updated the website to handle the new format of categories from the Costs to Expect API. We have slightly tweaked the look of categories in…
App – [v1.18.1]
In this release, we tweak our cache, stop invalid requests and improve the UX. Changed We have updated the size and spacing between the control buttons for all layout sizes. We have updated our back-end dependencies. We continue to tweak the default cache TTL whilst we try to find the ‘right’ value We have set…
App – [v1.18.0]
In this release, we have updated the App to support v2.140 of the Costs to Expect API, specifically, support for multiple currencies. Added We have updated the App to use the latest version of the Costs to Expect API; the App now supports multiple currencies. Changed We have made a minor tweak to the layout…